=head1 NAME
@SectionPush(Annotation Documents)
The simple Annotation Server stores Annotation Documents in flat files.
@SectionPush(Root Directory)
is the name of the root directory in which the files are stored. This directory must be
writable by the user that the web server runs under.
$AnnRoot = "/tmp/Annotations";
=head1 NAME
@Section(Document ID)
Each document will be identified by a Document ID. For the purposes of this sample,
the Document ID is simply a unique string.
Return the filename of the Annotation Document with the Document ID @Var(\$id).
sub adFileName { my ($id) = @_;
# Remove unsafe characters from the ID
$id =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.,_]/_/g;
# Map it to a file in the annotation directory
=head1 NAME
To load an Annotation Document, we simply map the ID to a file and load
the contents of the file.
Return the annotation data for Document ID @Var(\$id).
sub adLoad { my ($id) = @_;
# If the file can not be opened, return an empty annotation document.
if(!open(FILE, adFileName($id))) {
return qq{};
# Read the file in binary mode under a non-exclusive lock
flock(FILE, 1);
my $data = join('', );
flock(FILE, 8);
# Close the file and return the data
=head1 NAME
To store an Annotation Document, we simply map the ID to a file and save
the data to the file.
@DefPerlFunc{adStore(\$id, \$xml)}
Save @Var(\$xml) as the annotation data for the Document ID @Var(\$id).
Returns 1 if the operation is successful; otherwise @Var(undef).
sub adStore { my ($id, $xml) = @_;
# If the file can not be opened for writing, return an error.
if(!open(FILE, ">".adFileName($id))) { return undef; }
# Write the file in binary mode under an exclusive lock
flock(FILE, 2);
print FILE $xml;
flock(FILE, 8);
# Close the file and return no error
=head1 NAME
@Section(CGI Interface)
The following utilities are used to interface with the CGI host.
@SectionPush(Parsing CGI Parameters)
Per the CGI specification, the request URL parameters are
supplied in @Var(\$ENV{QUERY_STRING}).
Parse the CGI parameters and store the name-value pairs into the @Var(CGI) hash.
sub cgiParse {
# The name/value pairs are separated by '&'.
foreach(split(/&/, $ENV{QUERY_STRING})) {
# Convert plus's to spaces
s/\+/ /g;
# Split into name and value. The two fields are separated by '='.
local($key, $val) = split(/=/,$_,2); # splits on the first =.
# Convert hex escapes (%XX) to alphanumeric
$key =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
$val =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
# Associate key and value
$CGI{$key} = $val;
=head1 NAME
@Section(Generating a Response)
@DefPerlFunc{cgiRespond(\$code, \$mime, \$text)}
Generate the HTTP response to a request. The response specifies
a status code of @Var(\$code). The response data has a mime type
of @Var(\$mime). @Var(\$text) is the data to send with the response.
sub cgiRespond { my ($code, $mime, $text) = @_;
my $len = length($text);
print qq{Content-Type: $mime
Content-Length: $len
Status: $code
=head1 NAME
@Section(The Server)
The server merely parses the CGI parameters and reads or writes the
specified annotations, depending on whether the request is a GET
or a POST.
# The Document ID is specified as the @Var(ID) CGI parameter. Parse the CGI parameters into the @Var(CGI) hash
# If they did not specify an ID, return an error
if(!$CGI{ID}) {
cgiRespond(400, "text/plain", "There was no document specified");
# If this is not a POST, load the XML data
cgiRespond(200, "text/xml", adLoad($CGI{ID}));
# This is a POST operation. Store the XML data
else {
# Get the data to store
my $xml;
read(STDIN, $xml, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
# Store the new annotation data
my $worked = adStore($CGI{ID}, $xml);
if(!$worked) { cgiRespond(503, qq{Unable to update annotations}); }
else { cgiRespond(200, "text/plain", "Update succeeded"); }
=head1 NAME